Page 9 - The Riverside Residence V2
P. 9


           Step by Step

           01                                02                                03

          Find a                            Consult a                        Set Up a Thai

          Property                          Lawyer                           Company
                                                                                                                               NISASIRI GROUP
           Nisasiri Group is there          Before making any                Since foreigners can't                            RE A L   E S T A T E
           for you and will help you        decisions, consult with a        directly own land, setting
           through the process of           lawyer to understand the         up a Thai Limited
           finding your property.           legalities of property           Company is a common
                                            purchase in Thailand.            workaround to purchase
                                                                             a house

           04                                05                               06

          Perform Due                       Sign the                         Transfer

          Diligence                         Contract                         Ownership

           Have your lawyer                 Once satisfied, sign the         Complete the purchase at              This process involves significant legal considerations,
           conduct a title search to        sales contract. Ensure           the Land Department,                  particularly around the structure and operation of the Thai
           ensure the property's            funds for the purchase           where you'll pay any                  company, ensuring the property is legally eligible for foreign
           paperwork is in order            are transferred to               applicable taxes and fees,            ownership, and verifying the property's legal status. Engaging
           and the seller is                Thailand from overseas           and the ownership transfer            with legal and real estate professionals throughout is crucial
           the rightful                                                      is officially recorded                to navigate the Thai property law successfully
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